🖤FREE Busy Doing Nothing Sweatshirt WITH ORDERS $75+🖤


We're dedicated to spreading kindness and sunshine throughout our community! We hope our vibrant tie-dye tees inspire happiness in people of all ages ☀️

We started out as a small family business that donated 10% of our proceeds to local schools. We are so grateful that we have grown as a company and are currently looking to expand our donations! 

We are so excited to recognize community leaders who are making a difference and helping the world be kinder 💗

If you know someone (teacher, counselor, volunteer, kindness advocate, etc.)  that exudes kindness and happiness in their community and who is in need of a donation of any kind, we want to hear! Email us at nominate@shopsunshinesisters.com describing the person or organization, why they are amazing, why they are in need of a donation and the type of donation that will benefit them (ex: monetary, Be Kind tees, school supplies, athletic equipment). We're looking forward to reading your submission!